How Your Portal Accounts Work

The unique way that Your Portal can strengthen your business while saving you money and freeing up your time

In essence, our secret is very simple.

Over the past eight years, we have built a team of experts who are all focused on a specific financial or administrative role – accounts receivable, accounts payable, payroll, tax, compliance, super, you name it.

Then, through a custom build website portal, we can integrate you, the business owner or manager, with these people and the tasks they perform. Whenever you want to see a report, it’s there on the web (securely only for your eyes). When you want to send an invoice, make a payment, add more staff, adjusts someone’s pay or any administrative or financial task, you simply key it in to our ‘idiot-proof’ web portal. This then raises a ticket for the appropriate ‘pod member’, who then executes it within 24 hours.

As such, you have an extremely efficient team of experts performing your business’ needs at high speed every day for a fraction of the cost.

Could it be any better?

However, we imagine you’d like some more information. We’re big fans of the adage that ‘a picture is worth a thousand words’, so surely a video must be worth even more? So, we’ll pass you on to videos of Your Portal Accounts founder, Ken Lipschitz, talknig in detail about how Your Portal Accounts works.

How the ‘pod’ manages your backoffice

Video: The Your Portal Pod structure and its benefits

Video: The Your Portal Pod task process and why it works

How we work with clients

Video: Our excellent communication with clients

Video: The methods of input for client data

Video: How electronic transfer can assist your business

Further Benefit of our method

Video: the benefit of pre-transactional processing