How We Are Better and Cheaper

We are able to achieve the dual benefit of cheaper and better because the core of every company – the back-office – is our core-competency. We summarise our capacity to do this as the 5P’s. Please read below or to click to see how we work.


Your Portal uses a variable cost model. In this, Your Portal is unique. Firstly, it’s simply cheaper. Secondly, it actively encourages us to help you grow – the larger your business, the better for Your Portal. We are directly incentivised to make your business expand. And lastly and perhaps most importantly, it’s an extremely useful and valuable thing for a business owner or manager to know that a set percentage of turnover is being used to make an entire suite of core business processes work. It gives unprecedented ability for a business owner to know exactly where they stand and how profitable aspects of the business are.


Internally we use a custom-scheduling software that provides clients with an easy way to give us instructions (regular, calendarised or ad-hoc). Once in receipt of the instruction(s) a ticket is created. The website (or phonecall, Instant Messenger / Skype, email etc.) triggers the “ticket” and it is actioned by the appropriate specialist within the “pod”. Once the action is taken, the accounting package (MYOB, Quickbooks etc.) is automatically updated. Furthermore the ‘down-the-line’ processes are engaged and trigger more tickets for each specialist within the “pod”.

Video: how using Your Portal’s web portal is easy, and how we tailor ourselves to your business


Our business practices have been built around the “core efficiency” philosophy – which makes us the ideal partner for you.

When you commence as a client, we’ll get to know how you want things done and we’ll make our web interface tailored to these instructions. Once it’s set, it’s set until you want it changed. In essence, your business nuances are customised on the web interface and you and your staff have access to your secure web interface 24 x 7 x 365.

Transactions are set up because they are either regular events or initiated by a client ‘ticket’. Requests and tickets have a unique ‘request number’ that is generated on the web interface. This is trackable for each transaction and ensures compliance to your specific requests and policies.

Because we are processing at the transaction level your accounts are current with your daily activity. This means regular bookkeeping things such as bank reconciliations become easier and more time effective for us than if you were doing them yourself. This time and cost saving is passed on to you.

You have 24 x 7 x 365 access to your transaction status and history via the web interface. You will receive email confirmation of all transactions initiated and completed. These transaction notifications are in plain English and easily filed within your Outlook mail setup or similar programme.


We have built-in redundancy amongst our ‘pod’ structure so that you can get quick turnaround on any request. A pod is cleverly composed of a team of specialists that conduct similar processes. Your pod will consist of a dedicated accounting manager, Accounts Receivable and Collections Specialist, Accounts Payable and Reconciliation Specialist and Payroll and Employee Benefits Specialist. Pods are never sick.

Video: How our Pod’s task-driven efficiency helps you


Your Portal is expert in business processes having already tailored back-office solutions for clients in retail, services, medical, logistics and manufacturing. Our staff are all dedicated, passionate professionals that care deeply about the job that they do. To find out more about our people click here.

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